Tag Archives: teen weight loss

A Little Bit of Fitness

29 Sep

Hey guys,

I hope that you all are having a wonderful saturday! I know I sure am. Spending the day doing homework and going to get my workout on later.

I wanted to talk about fitness motivation today. It is something that I have always struggled with. I am usually on point when it comes to food because I can control myself when I really focus on it. But getting the motivation to get to the gym can be really tough for me at times. I feel that this has put a damper on my weight loss and overall health. I was trying to think of a way to get me in the gym or get me active and then I remembered. I LOVE volleyball. I have played volleyball for 5 years and when I moved from Maine to Virginia I really didn’t pursue it down here.

So I had put my name on an association website with interest in playing. I got a response and am now on a team. It is really fun. The association holds open gyms and I am also on a team that is in a league right now. It is really fun and a really great workout.

Not only was this a way to get a really good workout in without really feeling like a workout, but I also feel the need to work out to get my fitness level back where it needs to be to play at the intensity required. Joining this team was what I needed.

So today after I have done most of my homework I am going to go for a run. Im feeling really good today and Im actually really motivated to workout.

Hope you all have a great weekend. Do something fun. Stay positive. And workout. NO EXCUSES! ❤

Weigh-In Wednesday!

26 Sep

Hey guys,

Boy has it been a while since one of these. Like I have said if you have read some of my most recent posts, life really got in the way for me and this weight loss journey, but im not going to let that define me! I am going to continue to strive to be the best me that I can be. So without any more babbling…..

My weight this week was 185.8!

I don’t think you guys can even understand how happy I am for this loss. After all that has been going on I really was super worried that I would be gaining weight. With starting my new anxiety medicine I had a very good chance of gaining some weight. I seem to be unaffected by it though. Which feels AMAZING!

So lets set some goals for this coming week’s weight loss shall we?

I would really like to be down at 183 by next week. Not necessarily at exactly 183.0 but I would def take that if that was the case. Lets shoot for 183.8. That would be a total loss of 2 lbs which I think is realistic enough to be obtainable if I try hard enough.

So lets do this guys!

I also wanted to mention that my beloved sister-in-law has started a blog on here for all you lovely readers! Go check her out! She has an amazing plan that is listed and she is just starting out. I want her to see what a lovely weight loss community we have here! =]

Her site is carlaweightlossjourney.wordpress.com

Hope you all are having a wonderful week! I know I sure am! ❤

Let food be thy medicine.

25 Sep

Hey guys!

YAY, a second blog for the week! =] Today I wanted to talk about how critical eating properly is.

Many people have this distorted view of weight loss that they need to go kill themselves in the gym 3 hours a day 7 days a week. Yes, that will give you results. It will also make you terribly miserable.

Most people who have this philosophy eat whatever they want. They dont really watch their calories or what they are putting in their bodies. If you were eating potato chips then yes, you probably could go work out for 3 hours and work them off, but in the end you will be no healthier for it.

SO I pose this to all of you today. What you consume is the single-most important thing on your weight loss journey. I repeat MOST IMPORTANT THING! 

You can eat healthy and kill youself in the gym. And yes, you will probably see wonderful results. But the downside to that is 1) Eventually you will burn out or injure yourself and 2) You may not be able to maintain after getting to goal without continuing to work out so hard.

I say light to moderate exercise and good eating. You will feel happier, healthier, and you will be able to maintain at the end of this journey. Remember its all about lifestyle.

Hope you all are having a wonderful start to your week and look for my weigh-in wednesday post tomorrow!

Weigh-In Wednesday #3

15 Aug

Hey guys,

Sorry Ive been rather MIA lately. Been busy and stressed out and that really isnt the best combination for me. Anyways…

My weight today was 187.2. Thats a loss of 2 lbs since last week.

I honestly cant tell you how happy I am about this! I felt really hopeless last week after my maintain. It wasnt too far into my weight loss journey and I already felt like a failure! But this week truly made up for it! I know that I can do this I just have to make small lifestyle changes and I will be successful! I can lose this weight. I can be happy.

I feel like I have a whole new level of motivation to complete what I have started. I feel very encouraged and empowered. Being at a healthy weight doesnt seem like such a distant dream anymore but rather an attainable blissful goal. And I am so stoked to embark on the journey!

Hope that you all are having a wonderful week! ❤

New Salad Recipes!

9 Aug

Hey guys!

Today I have some wonderful salad recipes for you! In this upcoming weeks #CHANGE video you can watch the clip that I made of all of these salads because I brought them to work. One for lunch with some almonds and the other with a banana. I hope that you enjoy and let me know what you think!

The first on is called Guacamole Salad! It is a play on Natalia Rose’s recipe from The Raw Food Detox Diet. I used to own this book but last summer my mom went through all of the books in the house and that one went into the donation box! :O It is one of my favorite go to salads because you don’t need to add any salad dressing! You just assemble it upside down and then toss together. It is to die for!

Guacamole Salad

2-4 Cups Romaine Lettuce (or the like)

1 slicing tomato

1/4 avocado

2 cloves garlic

Juice of 1/2 lemon

handful of cilantro

salt and pepper to taste

To assemble salad:

Place cubed tomato and avocado in bottom of bowl. Add lemon juice, minced garlic, cilantro and salt and pepper. Stir gently. Add lettuce. Toss until lettuce is fully coated with vegetables and “dressing”.

Im telling you guys, easiest, yummiest salad ever! I always make sure to eat some almonds or some other protein with this meal in order to really pack that protein punch!

Second is the Spinach Powerhouse Salad. I love this one because it just makes you feel healthier after you eat it! This can be my go-to if I had a cheat item that day and my body needs some healthy fuel! I usually top it with a simple homemade balsamic vinaigrette.

Spinach Powerhouse Salad

2-4 Cups Baby Spinach (depending on how hungry you are

3 oz pre-cooked chicken breast, sliced

1 Tbs slivered or sliced almonds

1 tbs Dried Cranberries

1 tsp Parmesan Cheese.

Simple Balsamic Vinaigrette 

2 Tbs Balsamic Vinegar

1 Tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Dash of Black pepper

Dash of Italian Seasoning

To assemble:

Layer ingredients in the order they are listed. When ready to eat top with homemade vinaigrette and enjoy!

I hope that you all enjoyed these recipes. What kind of salads do you guys like to eat? Do you make your own salad dressings or do you have a favorite store bought one?

Happy Thursday! ❤

Exercise Makes ALL the Difference!

31 Jul

Hey all,

Hope you are having a wonderful start to the week! I know i am. I wanted to speak to something that I have struggled with in the past, but am finding to be so important in my weight loss journey: Exercise!

So I know what your thinking…sounds really silly on a weight loss blog. Hear me out though. I have always been someone who could see results without the help of actual “workouts.” And I’m sure that I could happily have continued at that pace if I wanted to. And that is precisely the point. I didn’t want to!

This month for the #CHANGE movement I set one of my goals to work out at least 4 times a week. Well Im happy to report that today would be 4 workouts already, and I sure am not going to stop here! I think that the reason that I always hated doing regimented workouts was because after the first day I felt so sore that I couldn’t do another workout. Well this week was the same as all the others.

The same except for the fact that I didn’t give up. Yes, on Sunday I was terribly tired because I had ran on Saturday, not to mention that my body hated me, but I wasn’t going to give up! And I didn’t and am still going strong.

I feel like I’m going to be able to put up a good number this week too! Working out makes me feel lighter, and I am really hoping that it will reflect in the scale tomorrow morning!

See you all tomorrow for “Weigh-in Wednesday”


Weigh-In Wednesdays: An Introduction!

25 Jul

Hey guys!

First off I want to apologize for my absence. My family is in town and I haven’t really had much time at home at all, so I haven’t been able to blog. :/ sad.

Next, I would like to introduce Weigh-In Wednesdays. I am going to be regularly weighing in once a week on wednesdays. I feel this keeps me accountable and also gives me a specific day of the week to chat about how I am doing on a weekly basis.

Now for the funniest part of this announcement. I will not be weighing in this week. It would be pointless and let me tell you why. Because my family has been in town I have not been eating the way I normally do (thats not to say I haven’t been staying within calories! ;P) so my weight will fluctuate a ton. With that said if I report my weight then it will seem like I am putting up crazy numbers next week which is both silly and misleading. I digress…I will not be weighing in today.

Another thing that I would like to announce is that a challenge is being announced tonight by 2 of my favorite bloggers, AmandaTyson and TrulyJess. They are keeping it a secret until tonight but it may very well be something that I will do. When they do announce I will do a post about it regardless, with a link so you can join if you would like too!

Thats all for now.

Would any of you like to join Weigh-In Wednesdays?

Hope you all are having a wonderful week!