New Blog, New Vision!

5 Feb

Hey guys! Long time no talk! So sorry….

But let me explain. I’ve been struggling with writing blog posts on this site for a while now and really couldn’t come up with a solid reason why. SO I took some time away to figure out why this was happening which was probably one of the best decisions that I have ever made.

After my time away I came to this. My life is so much more than just health and fitness! Mind you, health and fitness remain something that I am so extremely passionate about and I’m sure that is not going to go away, HOWEVER, I also have other passions that I would like to share with you guys. Fashion and finance are just two examples. So…I came up with a solution. I made a new blog that encompasses my vision a little more accurately, while still being true to me. Its a big step, and changing all of my social media has been a really scary thing (haven’t changed my instagram name yet and I’m really nervous about that).

I hope that you all are just as excited as I am to be blogging about more than one thing that I am passionate about! Im excited to see where this new blog is going to go!

SO head on over to French Press This and check out my most recent posts over there! There are great things happening with only better things to come!


All Things Delta Labs!

12 Sep

Hey Guys! 

SO as I have mentioned before, I am an ambassador for Delta Labs! 🙂 And some great news is in store for you guys. 

Are you ready? 

Its giveaway time! 

I have some Hair, Skin, and Nails samples that I would love to send to some lovely readers and Facebook Fans!

Hair, Skin and Nails is one of the Bestselling products from Delta Labs. Here is a little about the product:

Our Hair, Skin & Nails formula is designed to help your hair grow faster and stronger, reduce chipping and breaking in your nails, and create softer, younger, more luminescent looking skin. With 28 scientifically proven vitamins, minerals, herbs, antioxidants and bionutrients, we guarantee you’ll see clear, visible results within 30 days.

The best part is? These supplements are vegan! No scary, harsh chemicals or animal products here!

There are two different ways you can enter to win these samples! You can post a comment on the blog with your favorite hair tip or trick (whether it be a hairstyle or some DIY product) or you can comment the same on the linked post on the Facebook Page. There will be 5 winners and they will be announced on October 4th! 

Additionally, if you would like to purchase any products you can use the discount code losingwithcooper for $5 off your order! 

Last but not least, Delta Labs is doing a Recipe Contest!



From now til September 20th you can submit your created recipe with pictures to! Top 5 will be announced on September 23rd and those 5 submissions will be voted on. The winner gets a $50 visa gift card and their recipe will be featured on! Get your submissions in! 

I think if I can find the time I will try to enter this! Its going to be such a great time seeing everyones ideas! I’m excited to make some of them! 

I think I’m finding my way back on the Healthy Train. As I type I am sitting with an apple and an unsweetened iced tea. Thanks everyone for being so understanding about my struggles the past few months! I’m going to try to start posting regularly again, but I’m not going to promise anything because I’m working on forgiving myself, as well as not putting too much on my plate! 

Hope you all are having a great week! ❤ 

Been too long…

2 Sep

Hey guys,

Sorry that it has been far too long since I have wrote to you. Life got in the way as it seems to do all too often to me.

I’d like to be able to tell you guys that I have been keeping up with my workouts, eating healthy, and drinking all my water but that truly isn’t the case. I have been eating horrendously, not going to the gym and hardly drinking water. I don’t know what’s going on.

The good news is that I haven’t gained any weight so I’m not backtracking. The bad news is that my motivation has left and I am not sure how I’m going to find it again.

Let’s hope that I can get back on the wagon soon and figure out how to continue this journey.

Any of you have any advice or insight on this?

Educate Yourself!

17 Jul

Hey guys!

Hope you are all having a fabulous week like I am. The past couple of days have been difficult with my husband just returning from deployment and then leaving again for another 2 weeks to travel to Maine. But that is for another post. 🙂

With the stress of my husband being gone it is really easy to be down on myself. I have made such strides in the past couple months with my attitude, and yet sometimes I still find myself falling into old habits. Why do I do this to myself? Ugh.

This semester I have decided to educate myself on the relationship between mind and body. I am taking a health psychology class and I could not be more excited! I have come really far on my own with positive thinking and staying in the right mindset but I think learning from an expert is going to be extremely beneficial to my health. Plus, I get credit for it. How cool is that?

I have always been an advocate for self-education. Since a young age I have been researching health and fitness related topics for fun. I love to gain knowledge, and sometimes the truth is hidden, and sometimes buried, and you have to want to find the truth. I guess you could say Im a truth seeker.

I hope to be able to not only apply this new knowledge to my own life, but to share some of it with you guys! Please let me know if there are any specifics you would like to hear about, and stay tuned for my Health Psyc update!

Happy Blogiversary!

15 Jul

Happy one year to Losing With Cooper!

Today marks a year since the day I decided I wanted to share my experiences with the world. This year has certainly been an interesting one, and while I wasnt always present due to too many things happening, I thank you all for taking the time out of your day to read my posts.

This blog has given me an outlet to not only hold me accountable but to also document the journey that I am on at this stage in my life. I love sharing my experiences with others, and creating a blog was probably one of the best decisions I have made. I have made some friends this past year that are invaluable to me. Ones that encourage me constantly to be all I can be within the blogisphere (thanks for all the inspiration Erin!)

With that being said, I would also like to let you all in on a little secret I have been hanging onto. God willing, by the end of this summer my blog will be moving to a new self-hosted site as I take the plunge and take another step further with my blog. I am excited and nervous all at the same time, but my readers are awesome and I hope you all continue to support me throughout this transition!

Hope you all have started your week off great and look forward to what the new week will bring!

P.S. If you haven’t checked it out, go take a look at my new Facebook site Losing with Cooper! Over there I am giving daily motivation, posting interesting articles, linking up to other bloggers that I love, as well as letting you know when a new post goes live! Give us a like!

Working Out: My Love Affair

11 Jul

Most people dread going to the gym. Just the thought of it is enough to keep them away. It is one of the biggest reasons why people don’t stick to a weight loss plan. I am no longer one of those people. This is the story of my new-found love affair with the gym.

I have never liked the idea of going to a gym. I have always felt like people were starring at me and judging me because I don’t know how to do some of the exercises. It kept me away for years.

When I decided that I really wanted to get serious about my weight loss I decided to buy insanity. I was really motivated when I first received it, and did the first 3 weeks flawlessly, even as I went home to see my family. Yes I had my days that I didn’t want to get up to do it, and most of time about 5 minutes into the workout I just wanted it to be over. But I still stuck with it. But then my husband came home. And it just didn’t seem appealing at all anymore. I didn’t want him watching me do it.

I started to go to the gym on the base some nights with him. It was ok, but I still felt like people were watching me, wondering why I was dying while going so slow on the treadmill or why I couldn’t lift more.

I finally decided to get a membership at planet fitness. They advertise that they are a positive environment, so I thought I would give it a try. Honestly, I fell in love. The atmosphere is so positive, and I just feel at home.

The more I enjoyed going to the gym the more I realized why Insanity didn’t stick with me and why I loved going to the gym even more. I am an experiential person. I enjoy coffee, but a lot of that has to do with the experience of going to get the coffee. Going to the coffee shop and feeling the atmosphere, having the barista ask me questions, and possibly getting my coffee in a ceramic mug.

The same thing goes for the act of going to the gym. Drinking my pre workout while going there, checking in at the desk, killing it on the machines with my music blaring, and leaving feeling completely fulfilled. Its the experience that gets me, not just the burn!

I am now on a new program that I am loving more then anything I have ever done before. More on that coming soon. 😉

What makes you guys motivated to workout? What is your favorite way to workout?


10 Jul

Hello all!

Agh! Once again I have been MIA. The past few weeks months have been crazy and I apologize for not being more engaged. I had some major things going on in my life including preparing for my husbands homecoming and it seems I couldn’t find a moment of free time. Any who.

To get myself back into regular blogging (as like I said, I have BIG PLANS for the blog coming soon) I am going to challenge myself to post at least every weekday for the rest of the month. I need to get back into the habit of writing posts, and this is a perfect way of doing that.

Here is a little sneak peak of what you can expect from the blog in the coming months:

  • Review of the Body Built Program by Spoonful of Fit.
  • Review of my current plan and how it has changed.
  • A look into some local training that has caught my eye.
  • Tons and tons of new, fresh recipes that I have been loving.

I hope that you all will stick around and stay tuned for all that I have to offer in the following months. 🙂

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: My fear of sharing my journey!

18 May

Let me just start off with saying a big thank you to my friend Erin over at Living Made Healthy! She has supported me with my blog since I started, and I couldn’t ask for a better internet friend! 🙂 One day Erin…we will meet!

Ok, lets have some real talk here. Today I took a leap I have been meaning to do for a long time. I finally created a Facebook page for my blog! You can view it here! Let me take a moment to explain why this was such a ridiculously scary difficult thing for me to do.

I have only really shared my weight loss journey with close friends and the weight loss community online which consists of strangers I have never met. I am absolutely terrified of the judgement I may receive from people who don’t know me very well about my weight. My weight and body image is something I have struggled with all my life, and I have finally decided to kick its booty!

With that being said I have also been teased most of my life for it. For the first time in the recent months I can say that I finally appreciate my own body. This was an amazing feat for me and because of this I am finally comfortable talking about it with close friends and family, but going public is a whole different realm that I have never explored.

I think part of the reason that this scares me so much is that I have had a scare with this before. I have Instagram and twitter and somehow at some point my Instagram under my blog name was discovered by people who knew me. All of the sudden people from my high school started following me and I panicked. I put my profile to private so I could control the madness the people choosing to follow me. I later realized that this was a cheap move, and if I one day wanted to share my journey from beginning to end I better get over this fear now! So I did. And I feel that my Facebook page is a new step in the journey.

So there it is folks, my new leap of faith. I hope you will go visit the Losing With Cooper Facebook page and give me a like!


P.S. I am going to have some wonderful free time in the upcoming months, giving me ample time to post more often. Details in a post to follow 😉

Who goes on Vacation and loses weight? This Blogger!

16 May

Hey guys! Hope that you are having a wonderful week so far! I know I sure am! 

I just got back last night from my trip home. I went to my hometown to visit my family and friends. It was such a great visit, and it was much needed. I was nervous to go on this trip because I thought it would bring me back to my old ways. I didn’t want to undo all of the hard work that I have done lately. And fortunately, I succeeded in keeping the weight off on my trip. 

Not only that, but I lost 1.2 lb.! I honestly can’t believe it! Don’t get me wrong, I did not eat 100% perfect while home. I did however try as hard as I could, so that I could enjoy a few indulgences!

I had homemade ice cream twice and it was to die for. My sister baked fresh scones for us and I certainly had some of those. All in all it was a great trip with great food! 

I will be posting more coming up about the SummerBodyMakeover that I am taking part in so stay tuned for that! 🙂 


Where have I been?

6 May

Hey all!

Wow, it sure has been way too long! SO much has happened since I blogged last and it just feels like I am a different person. I have so much to share with you all. Lets get started!

First and foremost I want to let you know that while I was on this little hiatus I did lose weight. No, it wasnt a blogger running far away because I had gained weight. I actually lost. A LOT. I am now 170.8 and so close to being in the 160s its crazy. You heard that right. In the 2 months I was gone I managed to spare you almost all of the 170’s. Crazy what can happen when you are focused.

Which brings me to my second point. I have been so focused on weight loss for the last couple of months I have surprised myself. I believe I have actually fallen in love with going to the gym (shocking I know). This is what has kept me losing weight. That and all the wonderful clean eating that I have been doing.

Clean eating really becomes a way of life when you do it long enough. You no longer feel like you are depriving yourself, and the only reason you are turning that bagel down is because you know how bad it is going to make you feel afterwards. Its amazing what happens when your mindset changes.

The last thing that has happened that I want to share with you is this: for the first time in my entire life, I love myself. Yep, you heard that right. I love what my body can do right now. I love what my body looks like right now, and I love myself enough to know that I am worth all the effort I am making because I deserve to be happy.

Ahh what a weight lifted off of my sholders.

I have tons of wonderful things coming for the summer and the year to come on this blog, so stay tuned, because big things are happening!


P.S. I will be making a piost detailing some of these things as I am traveling on Wednesday. I am so excited for all of the changes to come! 😉